Normal Range
Slice of tuna in Olive Oil
Slice of tuna (species: Bonito) deliciously prepared, preserved in olive oil and lightly seasoned with salt.
Olive oil
Normal RangeNormal Range
Tuna Chunks in Vegetable Oil
Delicious and sustainably fished skipjack tuna chunks, conserved in vegetable oil and lightly salted. Available in 120g and 160g
Vegetable Oil
Normal RangeNormal Range
Fillet of Tuna in Olive Oil
Fillets of tuna (species: Bonito) deliciously prepared, preserved in olive oil and lightly seasoned with salt.
Normal RangeNormal Range
Fillet of Tuna Natural

Fillets of tuna (species: Bonito) deliciously prepared, preserved in water and lightly seasoned with salt.

Other Brands
Petiscada (tuna pieces) in vegetable oil
Petiscada (tuna pieces) in vegetable oil
Vegetable Oil
Other Brands
Sangacho Tuna in vegetable oil
Vegetable Oil
Normal Range
Petiscada (tuna pieces) in tomato
Petiscada (tuna pieces) in tomato
Gourmet Line

Like the good old-fashioned Azorean style, Santa Catarina’s tuna maintains the best of its nature, ensuring the best tuna flavour, as well as its nutritive properties, which our Specialties/Delicatessen testify. With our suggestions and your personal touch, you have everything to prepare surprising appetizers or even true feasts.

Santa Catarina’s fillets are characterized by their smooth flavour, lightly salted, a soft texture and a pinkish colour. They may be accompanied with greens and fresh vegetables and seasoned with virgin olive oil.

Specialties Filetes
Natural tuna fillets

Available in 250g glass bottle

Specialties Filetes
Tuna fillets in organic olive oil

Available in 250g glass bottle

A Conserveira Santa Catarina foi galardoada com duas medalhas em 2012 e quatro medalhas em 2013, nos Concursos Nacionais de Conservas de Pescado, organizados pelo CNEMA - Centro Nacional de Exposições e Mercados Agrícolas. Prémios recebidos na Feira Nacional da Agricultura, em Santarém.
Specialties Canned tunaFiletesFiletes
Tuna Fillet in “Molho Cru” (mediterranean sauce)

The “Molho Cru” has its origins in São Jorge’s “fajãs”, where in their gardens are cultivated onions, garlic, parsley, bell peppers and chilli peppers that make part of this sauce. A curiosity: this Azorean sauce has a different name according to the originating island: “Molho Cru” in São Jorge, “Molho Vilão” in São Miguel, “Molho das Vindimas” in Graciosa. Again, this product is of a pure artisan character, where the onions, garlic, bell peppers and parsley, are chopped manually with all the care and affection of São Jorge’s people.

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A Conserveira Santa Catarina foi galardoada com duas medalhas em 2012 e quatro medalhas em 2013, nos Concursos Nacionais de Conservas de Pescado, organizados pelo CNEMA - Centro Nacional de Exposições e Mercados Agrícolas. Prémios recebidos na Feira Nacional da Agricultura, em Santarém.
A Conserveira Santa Catarina foi galardoada com duas medalhas em 2012 e quatro medalhas em 2013, nos Concursos Nacionais de Conservas de Pescado, organizados pelo CNEMA - Centro Nacional de Exposições e Mercados Agrícolas. Prémios recebidos na Feira Nacional da Agricultura, em Santarém.
Specialties Canned tunaCanned tuna
Tuna Fillet in Olive Oil

Delicious and sustainably fished skipjack tuna fillet, conserved in olive oil and lightly salted, for a true gourmet experience.

Specialties Canned tunaFiletes
Tuna Fillet in Olive Oil with Thyme

The aromatic herbs and in this case the Thyme, is also has its origins in São Jorge’s “fajãs”, where in their gardens are cultivated all the spices and aromatic herbs.

Olive oil
A Conserveira Santa Catarina foi galardoada com duas medalhas em 2012 e quatro medalhas em 2013, nos Concursos Nacionais de Conservas de Pescado, organizados pelo CNEMA - Centro Nacional de Exposições e Mercados Agrícolas. Prémios recebidos na Feira Nacional da Agricultura, em Santarém.
Specialties Canned tunaFiletes
Tuna Fillet in Olive Oil with Oregano

Delicious and sustainably fished skipjack tuna fillet seasoned with oregano, conserved in olive oil and lightly salted.

Olive oil
Specialties Canned tuna
Tuna Bellies in Olive Oil “Ventresca”

The richest part of the tuna, the belly, preserved in olive oil and lightly salted.

Olive oil
Specialties Canned tuna
Tuna Chunks in Olive Oil with Hot Chilli Pepper

The hot chilli peppers, the “piri-piri”, and the traditional use of spices in the Azorean Central Group, specifically in the São Jorge Island and in Terceira, is directly linked to the Discoveries period and with the Spice Trading Route.

The ships, in the Discoveries period and during the Indian Trading Route, on their way back to Portugal came to Terceira and São Jorge islands to get fresh water and as a thanking note for their hospitality, they gave hot chilli peppers, cinnamon, pepper and a great array of Spices in return, and that ended up creating a gastronomically tradition in São Jorge.

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Olive oil
A Conserveira Santa Catarina foi galardoada com duas medalhas em 2012 e quatro medalhas em 2013, nos Concursos Nacionais de Conservas de Pescado, organizados pelo CNEMA - Centro Nacional de Exposições e Mercados Agrícolas. Prémios recebidos na Feira Nacional da Agricultura, em Santarém.
Bio & Light
Tuna slice in Organic coconut
Bio & Light
Natural tuna salad
Bio & Light
Tuna slice in Organic Olive Oil
Olive oil
Bio & Light
Tuna Fillet in Organic Olive Oil
Olive oil
Bio & Light
Tuna slice in Organic Olive Oil
Olive oil
Bio & Light
Natural tuna salad
Bio & Light
Natural tuna fillets
Bio & Light
Tuna Fillet in Organic Olive Oil
Olive oil
Bio & Light
Natural tuna fillets

The Company

Heir of an old cannery tradition of the São Jorge Island, Santa Catarina’s factory brings to your table the best tuna prepared according to artisanal methods used by the old cannery masters.


The global trend towards the exploitation of tuna by large commercial fleets is countered in the Azores by a commitment to quality over quantity.

The tuna fish is caught on the Azorean sea, using the Pole and Line method (1 man, 1 fishing rod, 1 fishhook, 1 tuna fish) without any sort of predatory activity, being the only fishing method to be considered Dolphin Safe and environmentally sustainable. It is then manually laboured in Santa Catarina’s factory.

The tuna fish is manually laboured, as well as the peeling and preparation of all of the ingredients for the tuna paste, as well as filling the containers and labelling them.

All of our tuna pastes are manually laboured, without any kind of emulsifiers, sweeteners, preservatives or any sort of additives or technological aids. Thus, it’s basically a handmade product.

Its ingredients, such as the milk, onions, peppers, garlic, parsley, red pepper paste, etc., all have their origin on the Fajãs of São Jorge as well, where all of the ingredients on this recipe are grown and cropped. Once again, this is an exclusively handcrafted product, where the onions, garlic and parsley, are all manually cut with all the love and care of the São Jorge’s people.

Social Responsibility

São Jorge has 8.000 inhabitants. Santa Catarina’s factory has a canning process that involves local resources and employs 120 women that would hardly find any other paying job on the island.

Women on the land…

On dry land, women dedicate themselves to processing the fish according to artisanal methods: hand washing, cooking, manual cleaning of skin, bones and dark tuna meat, separation of different parts of the tuna, and canning.

The bellies, the richest and fattest part of the tuna, give rise to the “Ventresca”, while the hand-worked backs become Fillets and Steaks.

Adding the technology and the best canning techniques to the tuna, it’s ensured the nutritive qualities and the best flavour.

Lastly, the tuna is served in fillets in olive oil or in brine, in chunks in olive oil, in vegetable oil or in brine and in pieces in vegetable oil or tomato sauce in pretty and appetizing packaging. The result is a tuna with an unmatched flavour and texture.

Homens no mar…

Enquanto isso, no mar, são os homens que fazem o trabalho. A centenária arte de pesca de salto e vara com isco vivo envolve o uso de uma técnica que permite puxar o peixe a bordo, com um movimento, tornando-o soltar. Quanto maior o peixe, mais difícil a manobra, e as mãos experientes necessárias para vencer todas as batalhas. Afinal, este é um duelo um para um, ao contrário do que acontece na pesca de arrastão praticado por grandes frotas comerciais.

A pesca do atum, além de respeitar o ecossistema marinho, tem vindo a empregar, ao longo de largos anos, numerosas famílias da ilha de São Jorge.

Toda a preparação do atum e das conservas, feita através das experientes mãos das mulheres da ilha, obedece às mais antigas práticas artesanais. É esta preocupação com a qualidade que permite aos consumidores encontrar no atum Santa Catarina um produto de excelência, com o sabor único do mar dos Açores.

A pesca “Salto e Vara” é um duelo diário homem e atum. Uma luta que, ao respeitar o peixe e o seu habitat, garante a subsistência das populações costeiras que vivem da atividade piscatória, contribuindo para a dinâmica económica da ilha de São Jorge.


A administração de Santa Catarina Indústria Conserveira, S.A. tem como objetivo e compromisso, assegurar a qualidade, legalidade e segurança alimentar das conservas de atum que fabrica e comercializa, através da implementação do referencial FSSC 22000.

O nosso compromisso é:

– Garantir a segurança alimentar e qualidade dos produtos fornecidos;

– Maximizar a satisfação do cliente e consumidor final, de modo a satisfazer as suas necessidades e expetativas;

– Responder às exigências do mercado, lançando novos produtos;

– Cumprir com os requisitos legais, normativos e de clientes;

– Manter uma comunicação eficaz com clientes, fornecedores e restantes partes interessadas;

– Envolver, formar e consciencializar continuamente todos os colaboradores em prol da melhoria contínua;

– Manter um nível adequado de condições de trabalho dos colaboradores promovendo a saúde e a segurança;

A administração compromete-se em proporcionar os recursos adequados para a implementação, manutenção e desenvolvimento do sistema, divulgá-lo e exigir o seu cumprimento, através do acompanhamento dos objetivos de qualidade e segurança alimentar.

About us

A indústria de conservas existe na Vila da Calheta de São Jorge, desde os anos 40 do último século, tendo sido reativada pela Câmara Municipal da Calheta, com a fundação da Santa Catarina – Indústria Conserveira, S.A., no dia 5 abril de 1995.  No ano 2009, a empresa foi adquirida pelo Governo Regional dos Açores, por intermédio da Lotaçor – Serviço de Lotas dos Açores, S.A, depois de ter passado um período nas mãos do Grupo empresarial local “José Leovigildo”.

A fábrica Santa Catarina fica localizada à beira mar, na Fajã Grande da vila da Calheta, na ilha de São Jorge, do arquipélago dos Açores.

É uma empresa que se dedica exclusivamente ao fabrico de conservas de atum, que prima pela qualidade, aliando a tecnologia aos ancestrais métodos artesanais, sendo a fábrica, atualmente, a principal empregadora privada da ilha de São Jorge, com 139 elementos, sendo 19 masculinos e 120 femininos. Para uma ilha dita pequena ou ilha de periferia, é significativo o número de postos de trabalho que criou, pelo que encerra em si um autentico projeto de responsabilidade social.

A conserva Santa Catarina é feita com atum pescado através do método salto e vara (pesca artesanal com cana), um método que seleciona os melhores espécimes, salvaguardando a preservação da espécie e respeitando o ecossistema marinho, protegendo os golfinhos, o que lhe valeu por parte da organização não governamental Earth Island Institute as certificações “Dolphin Safe” e “Friend of the sea”, sendo a primeira pesca do atum no mundo a obter estes galardões; um verdadeiro exemplo de sustentabilidade.

Esta jovem indústria apostou na qualidade, laborando essencialmente atum em fresco, pescado no mar dos Açores, que é depois transportado para a fábrica onde é cozido, cortado/aparado e colocado em latas, à mão, onde posteriormente são adicionados os temperos (azeite, água, óleo vegetal), seladas as latas e prontas para a comercialização.

Santa Catarina tem capacidade de laboração diária para 12 toneladas de peixe. A laboração anual ronda as 2500 toneladas, o que se traduz anualmente em mais de 7 milhões de latas de conservas, que são vendidas no mercado regional, nacional e internacional. Em termos de exportação, 80% dos produtos são para o estrangeiro. Inglaterra e Itália

representam metade das vendas anuais. Neste momento, a marca está a entrar no mercado asiático e já introduziu conservas Santa Catarina em Macau e no Japão.

Apesar de algumas dificuldades financeiras sentidas nos últimos três anos, terá em 2013 um dos maiores volumes de negócios da sua história, mais de sete milhões de euros.

Apesar da crise e da retração no consumo, as vendas de conservas em Santa Catarina aumentam assim cerca de 15%, em comparação com 2012.

A marca além de ter ganho o prémio das conservas mais sustentáveis do mundo, outorgado pela Greenpeace, tem conseguido arrecadar reconhecimento na forma de distintos prémios para os seus produtos e tem hoje visibilidade nas principais lojas gourmet.

Distinguida com quatro galardões nos Concursos Nacionais de Produtos Alimentares, organizados pelo CNEMA e pela Feira Nacional da Agricultura, a conserveira Açoriana conquistou o prémio “Melhor dos Melhores” na categoria de Conservas de Atum, com o produto Filete de Atum com Tomilho, e conquistou as medalhas de ouro e prata, na categoria Pastas de Peixe, respetivamente, pelo Paté de Atum com Orégãos e pelo Paté de Atum, bem como uma medalha de prata na categoria Conservas de Atum, pelo Filete de Atum com Molho Cru. Dentro de fronteiras, também no concurso nacional de conservas de pescado, realizado em 2012, as conservas Santa Catarina conquistaram dois prémios: medalha de ouro para o filete de atum em azeite e molho cru e medalha de prata para o atum em azeite e piripiri.

Management Plan for Corruption Risks and Related Offenses


“Pole & Line” Fishing

Pioneers in the value of the sea and environment


The classification “Dolphin Safe” and “Friend of the Sea”

As ecological recognition and appreciation, tuna fishing in the Azores, known as “Pole & Line” is certified since 1998 by the nongovernmental organization Earth Island Institute as “Dolphin Safe”, due to its lesser predatory characteristics, and since 2001 as “Friend of the sea”, the first tuna fishing method in the world to be awarded such certification.

“Pole & Line” fishing, a sustainable method.

As it is an artisanal method, the “Pole & Line” fishing requires all the experience of São Jorge Island’s fishermen. They begin by detecting the presence of tuna through binoculars. Then, they make their approach, turn off the engines and turn on the showers that simulate the escape of small fish, from which the tuna feeds, which hides the fishermen from their field of vision. After, they throw the bait overboard to attract the school and start the fishing activities. It is an example that allows fishermen to catch only enough fish without endangering other species or smaller fish. Unlike what happens in trawling practiced by large commercial fleets, the centenary arts of “Pole & Line”, practiced by the tuna boats of the region, are considered environmentally friendly, because they allow the fisherman to choose the fish and thus preventing unnecessary catches.  

“Dolphin Safe” symbol – Fishing method that preserves dolphin’s life and habitat.
“Friend of the Sea” symbol – Fish captured by rod, with the “Pole & Line” method, in a responsible way without environmental damage.
Azorean Quality Symbol – A specific way of handling the fish and labouring a product associated to ancestral techniques.




Great Taste Awards 2016

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Available soon in the market.

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The best of the best 2016

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5 Products 5 awards

The Santa Catarina Cannery Industry recently won five awards at the 3rd National Competition for Canned Fish , held in Santarém. The Azorean canning won awards with all products submitted to the competition , including the most important event that distinguishes “Best of Best” with Tuna…

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Santa Catarina on board of the Portuguese “cacilheiro” in the Venice Biennale 2013

Santa Catarina’s products, manufactured in São Jorge Island, are the only Azorean products on board of the “cacilheiro” (ferryboat) which will represent Portugal in the Venice Biennale 2013. Santa Catarina was the only one based in the Azores to be invited by the artist Joana Vasconcelos to…

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New Santa Catarina Tuna Pastes

Santa Catarina’s pastes are manually manufactured with Pole and Line fished tuna, the only sustainable fishing method from an environmental point of view. All the pastes are hand laboured, without added emulsifiers, sweeteners, preservatives or any kind of additives or technological aid.…

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National Canned Fish Contest

The brand Santa Catarina besides having won the prize of the most sustainable canned tuna in the world, awarded by Greenpeace, has managed to raise recognition in the form of noteworthy awards for its products and has today visibility in the major gourmet shops. Honoured with four awards in the…

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Santa Catarina “Coffret”

Santa Catarina has recently launched a cardboard box with the overall capacity of 4 tins of its Gourmet Line. This coffret is an original idea to give what’s ours. You may find it in Azorean stores like Mavipira, Loja Açores, A Vinha Garrafeira, Arcos do Vinhos, Chá Gorreana Factory, etc.

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Great Taste Awards 2016

Great Taste Awards 2016

Available soon in the market.

The best of the best 2016

Medalhas 2016

5 Products 5 awards

The Santa Catarina Cannery Industry recently won five awards at the 3rd National Competition for Canned Fish , held in Santarém.

The Azorean canning won awards with all products submitted to the competition , including the most important event that distinguishes “Best of Best” with Tuna Fillet in Olive Oil with Fennel Seed.

The award, given to the ‘gourmet’ product of Santa Catarina in a contest in which they had great quality products , exalts Tuna Fillet in Olive Oil with Fennel Seed as “canned greater excellence”.

In addition to this award, given after an assessment of a jury in a blind tasting of 19 samples from various Portuguese canning, Santa Catarina has won two gold medals with the Tuna Fillet in Organic Olive Oil 250g in glass jar and the Tuna Fillet with mediterranean sauce.

The Azorean canning also won two silver medals with Tuna Fillet in Olive Oil with Fennel herb and Tuna Paté with Oregano.

The main prize for Santa Catarina gives the right to a free ‘stand’ at the National Agriculture Fair, which will take place in Santarém , 7-15 of June.

The company Santa Catarina was identified in April 2013, as a ” brand that creates added value for the country” under the project inspires Portugal , an initiative that aims to promote Portuguese brands and products.

This project, which has created a platform for the identification of national products and services that create added value for the country , aims to bring to the attention of the Portuguese and high quality products that are often not identified as national services and thereby cause a consumption aware that reflects the development of the economy .

Santa Catarina on board of the Portuguese “cacilheiro” in the Venice Biennale 2013

Santa Catarina’s products, manufactured in São Jorge Island, are the only Azorean products on board of the “cacilheiro” (ferryboat) which will represent Portugal in the Venice Biennale 2013.

Santa Catarina was the only one based in the Azores to be invited by the artist Joana Vasconcelos to join the Portuguese pavilion, installed on board a Portuguese “cacilheiro”, which will be in Italy.

Santa Catarina’s participation in this space will allow its disclosure in all communication mediums of Portugal at the Venice Biennale, will allow the identification of our brand with a world-class event and the exposure of our brand internationally in a town which becomes, for several months, the world’s artistic capital.

New Santa Catarina Tuna Pastes

Santa Catarina’s pastes are manually manufactured with Pole and Line fished tuna, the only sustainable fishing method from an environmental point of view.
All the pastes are hand laboured, without added emulsifiers, sweeteners, preservatives or any kind of additives or technological aid. Therefore, it’s basically a handmade product.
The ingredients such as milk, onions, peppers, garlic, parsley, chilli pepper paste, etc., have their origins in São Jorge’s “fajãs”, where in their gardens are cultivated all of the ingredients in this recipe. Again, this product is of a pure artisan character, where the onions, garlic, bell peppers, parsley, are chopped manually with all the care and affection of São Jorge’s people.
In the National Contest of Food Products, organized by CNEMA and the National Agriculture Fair, the Azorean cannery won the Gold and Silver medals in the Fish Pastes category, respectively, for the Tuna Paste with Oregano and Tuna Paste.

National Canned Fish Contest

The brand Santa Catarina besides having won the prize of the most sustainable canned tuna in the world, awarded by Greenpeace, has managed to raise recognition in the form of noteworthy awards for its products and has today visibility in the major gourmet shops.
Honoured with four awards in the National Contest of Food Products, organized by CNEMA and the National Agriculture Fair, the Azorean cannery won the “Best of the Best” award in the Canned Tuna category, with Tuna Fillets with Thyme, and won the Gold and Silver medals in the Fish Pastes category, respectively, Tuna Paste with Oregano and Tuna Paste, as well as a Silver medal in the Canned Tuna category, with the Tuna Fillets with “Molho Cru”. Within borders, also in the national contest of canned fish, held in 2012, Santa Catarina’s canned tuna won two awards: Gold medal for the Tuna Fillets with “Molho Cru” and Silver medal for the Tuna Chunks in Olive Oil and Hot Chilli Pepper.


Santa Catarina “Coffret”

Santa Catarina has recently launched a cardboard box with the overall capacity of 4 tins of its Gourmet Line.
This coffret is an original idea to give what’s ours.
You may find it in Azorean stores like Mavipira, Loja Açores, A Vinha Garrafeira, Arcos do Vinhos, Chá Gorreana Factory, etc.


Santa Catarina

Indústria Conserveira, S.A

Santa Catarina – Indústria Conserveira, S.A.

Rua do Roque, 9 | 9850 – 079 Calheta

São Jorge Island| Azores | Portugal

Tel.: +351 295 416 220 (Chamada para rede fixa Nacional)



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Where to find us

See the establishments where you can buy our products: