“Pole & Line” Fishing
Pioneers in the value of the sea and environment
The classification “Dolphin Safe” and “Friend of the Sea”
As ecological recognition and appreciation, tuna fishing in the Azores, known as “Pole & Line” is certified since 1998 by the nongovernmental organization Earth Island Institute as “Dolphin Safe”, due to its lesser predatory characteristics, and since 2001 as “Friend of the sea”, the first tuna fishing method in the world to be awarded such certification.“Pole & Line” fishing, a sustainable method.
As it is an artisanal method, the “Pole & Line” fishing requires all the experience of São Jorge Island’s fishermen. They begin by detecting the presence of tuna through binoculars. Then, they make their approach, turn off the engines and turn on the showers that simulate the escape of small fish, from which the tuna feeds, which hides the fishermen from their field of vision. After, they throw the bait overboard to attract the school and start the fishing activities. It is an example that allows fishermen to catch only enough fish without endangering other species or smaller fish. Unlike what happens in trawling practiced by large commercial fleets, the centenary arts of “Pole & Line”, practiced by the tuna boats of the region, are considered environmentally friendly, because they allow the fisherman to choose the fish and thus preventing unnecessary catches.


Available soon in the market.

5 Products 5 awards
The Santa Catarina Cannery Industry recently won five awards at the 3rd National Competition for Canned Fish , held in Santarém.
The Azorean canning won awards with all products submitted to the competition , including the most important event that distinguishes “Best of Best” with Tuna Fillet in Olive Oil with Fennel Seed.
The award, given to the ‘gourmet’ product of Santa Catarina in a contest in which they had great quality products , exalts Tuna Fillet in Olive Oil with Fennel Seed as “canned greater excellence”.
In addition to this award, given after an assessment of a jury in a blind tasting of 19 samples from various Portuguese canning, Santa Catarina has won two gold medals with the Tuna Fillet in Organic Olive Oil 250g in glass jar and the Tuna Fillet with mediterranean sauce.
The Azorean canning also won two silver medals with Tuna Fillet in Olive Oil with Fennel herb and Tuna Paté with Oregano.
The main prize for Santa Catarina gives the right to a free ‘stand’ at the National Agriculture Fair, which will take place in Santarém , 7-15 of June.
The company Santa Catarina was identified in April 2013, as a ” brand that creates added value for the country” under the project inspires Portugal , an initiative that aims to promote Portuguese brands and products.
This project, which has created a platform for the identification of national products and services that create added value for the country , aims to bring to the attention of the Portuguese and high quality products that are often not identified as national services and thereby cause a consumption aware that reflects the development of the economy .

Santa Catarina on board of the Portuguese “cacilheiro” in the Venice Biennale 2013
Santa Catarina’s products, manufactured in São Jorge Island, are the only Azorean products on board of the “cacilheiro” (ferryboat) which will represent Portugal in the Venice Biennale 2013.
Santa Catarina was the only one based in the Azores to be invited by the artist Joana Vasconcelos to join the Portuguese pavilion, installed on board a Portuguese “cacilheiro”, which will be in Italy.
Santa Catarina’s participation in this space will allow its disclosure in all communication mediums of Portugal at the Venice Biennale, will allow the identification of our brand with a world-class event and the exposure of our brand internationally in a town which becomes, for several months, the world’s artistic capital.

New Santa Catarina Tuna Pastes
Santa Catarina’s pastes are manually manufactured with Pole and Line fished tuna, the only sustainable fishing method from an environmental point of view.
All the pastes are hand laboured, without added emulsifiers, sweeteners, preservatives or any kind of additives or technological aid. Therefore, it’s basically a handmade product.
The ingredients such as milk, onions, peppers, garlic, parsley, chilli pepper paste, etc., have their origins in São Jorge’s “fajãs”, where in their gardens are cultivated all of the ingredients in this recipe. Again, this product is of a pure artisan character, where the onions, garlic, bell peppers, parsley, are chopped manually with all the care and affection of São Jorge’s people.
In the National Contest of Food Products, organized by CNEMA and the National Agriculture Fair, the Azorean cannery won the Gold and Silver medals in the Fish Pastes category, respectively, for the Tuna Paste with Oregano and Tuna Paste.

National Canned Fish Contest
The brand Santa Catarina besides having won the prize of the most sustainable canned tuna in the world, awarded by Greenpeace, has managed to raise recognition in the form of noteworthy awards for its products and has today visibility in the major gourmet shops.
Honoured with four awards in the National Contest of Food Products, organized by CNEMA and the National Agriculture Fair, the Azorean cannery won the “Best of the Best” award in the Canned Tuna category, with Tuna Fillets with Thyme, and won the Gold and Silver medals in the Fish Pastes category, respectively, Tuna Paste with Oregano and Tuna Paste, as well as a Silver medal in the Canned Tuna category, with the Tuna Fillets with “Molho Cru”. Within borders, also in the national contest of canned fish, held in 2012, Santa Catarina’s canned tuna won two awards: Gold medal for the Tuna Fillets with “Molho Cru” and Silver medal for the Tuna Chunks in Olive Oil and Hot Chilli Pepper.

Santa Catarina “Coffret”
Santa Catarina has recently launched a cardboard box with the overall capacity of 4 tins of its Gourmet Line.
This coffret is an original idea to give what’s ours.
You may find it in Azorean stores like Mavipira, Loja Açores, A Vinha Garrafeira, Arcos do Vinhos, Chá Gorreana Factory, etc.
Santa Catarina
Indústria Conserveira, S.A
Santa Catarina – Indústria Conserveira, S.A.
Rua do Roque, 9 | 9850 – 079 Calheta
São Jorge Island| Azores | Portugal
Tel.: +351 295 416 220 (Chamada para rede fixa Nacional)
E-mail: geral@atumsantacatarina.com
Web: www.atumsantacatarina.com

Empresa aderente do Centro de Arbitragem CNIACC
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Campus de Campolide | 1099-032 Lisboa
Telefone: 213847484 | E-mail: cniacc@fd.uni.pt
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